Thursday, March 28, 2013

First Impressions (Tree of Life)

My first impression of this film was very confusing for me to pin point what the film's concept. It starts out with beautiful shots of various colorful lighting, then transitions quickly to a birds eye view of the earth that seems to be suffering from a nuclear explosion. The trailer continues with more attractive shots of nature up close such as a shot under water and a low level view towards tall trees. I was then introduced to what seems to be a very happy and loving family; there is a mother, a father, and about three boys. Shortly after a quick introduction to the family I saw the father getting agressive with one of his son's repeatedly demanding him to hit his face. Now the trailer begins to express that this family is not as perfect as I first expected, the child and his father have some sort of friction; later on in the trailer the fahter confesses to his son that he wants him to be strong for the world ahead, explaining the reasoning for the father's agressiveness towards the boy. The trailer continues with another colorful shot, this one seeming to have a flame like cloud appearance. This shot then brought me to my first question, what is the point of showing these shots in the trailer? I can't seem to make any connection to these random shots of nature and lights to the story of this family.

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